Book Review: The Prey of Gods by Nicky Drayden

Can I just say: What a gorgeous cover. 

Genre: Robots and demigods/goddesses are just trying to be! Except the one who wants world domination. Except that one.

Basic Summary: (This is the hardest basic summary to write…) Multiple people are connected to each other and find their god/goddess powers. There are the good ones and then there is Sydney. 

Rating: 4/5

Warnings: Mentions of rape, a mob attack on a young girl and there is some description of sexual assault. There is lots of violence and killing. 


This book is written in third person limited where it focuses on one person at a time (until around the end of the book when a lot of craziness is happening). The book has these five main characters: Muzi, Nomvula, Stoker, Riya, and Sydney. The chapters switch between all these characters. 

And I love all of them. Even the antagonist: Sydney, demigoddess with a chip on her shoulder the size of all the oceans combined. 

The other does a good job intermingling the plots of all the characters. I’ll admit, I did wonder where it was going for the first couple of chapters but it comes together really well. 

The book is set in South Africa and the author does a good job of giving you a sense of setting. I love the problem with the dik-diks and all the jokes that came from it. “I’m having a problem with my dik-dik.” 

Great pacing and use of story telling. There is a lot of mythology type story telling which one character will tell another character a story. 

Near the ending it does get a little odd. A lot of things happen all at once and there are times it gets confusing on who is doing what. That sounds so vague but I don’t want to give anyone spoilers on what happens.

Overall, a great read. I’ll be checking out more of this author’s work.

May you get lost in a book,


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