Books As The Parts of A Cupcake

Each book fulfills a part of my reading need. Sometimes, you read books one after the other and realize that they fit together so well. You read a book which filled your sense of adventure and another which filled your sense of romance. It reminds me a bit of food. Certain foods are aimed at satisfying certain tastes.

Cupcakes are my favorite food. I have a massive sweet tooth. So, as an ode to my favorite dessert, I will list the books that remind me of each part of a cupcake:

The Sprinkles: Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire. It was short but the right length for a story so filled with emotion – like the sprinkles, more may have left me overwhelmed and too little wondering why they are even there. 

The Frosting: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. It was sweet like buttercream frosting. It hit that love of cute moments like frosting hits my tastebuds. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea and some people may say it doesn’t have the type of flavor that they’re looking for. But to me, it’s amazing.

The Sponge: The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison. The sponges of cupcakes has to be a balance of ingredients. A good sponge is moist. It can’t be too heavy but it has to provide satiety to those who eat it. This book left me feeling the right way. I was satisfied with the ending. It wasn’t until later…that I wanted a baker’s dozen like it.

I hope my diet continually consist of books like these.

May you get lost in a book,


2 Replies to “Books As The Parts of A Cupcake”

  1. What about one last cupcake? That cupcake that you had 4 years ago and it was the greatest cupcake you have ever had. You compare all other cupcakes to that glorious moment of eating that one. For me my greatest cupcake was Dresden Files book 2 followed up by Rosemary and Rue by Seanan Mcguire. I compare all cupcakes to them.

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