2 Books About Elections

Who can believe the 2018 mid-term elections were little over a month ago? Perhaps it would have been better to do this post while they were happening but one of these books, I read after the election. And while I could just wait until the next election to post this, I thought “What the hell! People need time to read them before that!” So, here we are.

  1. Kingshold by D.P. Woolliscroft

I recently read this book and loved it! This follows the kingdom of Edland as it goes through its first ever election process after the wizard Jyuth decides he has had enough of the monarchy bullshit. The book follows many characters but one in particular is Neenahwi who finds herself trying to vote and being met with shitty after shitty candidate. Now, there is more to Neenahwi than that but admittedly, I found myself chuckling when she went to all the nobles running and found them wanting by leaps and bounds. This book is a great look at a first time process and how easily people will fall into trying to manipulate the system – even the good guys.

2. Infomocracy by Malka Older

Now, voting is a democratic process and Infomocracy takes this to a whole new level with micro-democracies! Per 100,000 people, a government rules policy. A single government can rule multiple 100,000 people spots in multiple countries. Different ideologies can change within the span of a mile and if you live in a big city, maybe less! There are governments that structure itself on policy while others on their subsequent nation and some which focus on security. It’s an interesting process and not one that is completely implausible. Of course, even in this micro-democracy, majority rules. If a government takes over the most centenals (100,000 people places), then they have a bit more power than every other government. So, of course, subterfuge is abound!

Have you read either of these books? Are there other books about elections  you’ve read? Do you recommend them? Please comment down below. 


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