NaNoWriMo: Last Day, I Lost But Won At The Same Time

It’s the last day of November or what is becoming more popularly known as: National Novel Writing Month. I’ve been participating for years but haven’t won. Yesterday, I wrote until my word processor said 50k.

I cheered. I teared up a little. I ate some chocolate to celebrate. 

Then, I put all the words into the validate word box on the nanowrio site. It came back to say: You have written 45,000 words. 

My word processor, it turns out, is inaccurate  in counting. 

I admit, my eye twitched. My eyes re-teared back up. I ate more chocolate.

And I know what some people are thinking: It’s only 5,000 more words! You can knock that out in a day! You’ve got this! You can WIN.

The thing is, though, I already felt I won. I have a manuscript that is close to finish. I have a writing goal of 500 to 1k words until it’s officially finished. And what’s more? I’ve been writing consistently. It’s something I’ve struggled with for years. Writing consistently, regularly seemed somewhat impossible with all the things going on in my life.

I managed it this month.

So, even though I pouted at not having 50k and that my word processor is a filthy filthy liar, I’m looking at 75+ pages are written. I’m this much closer to a first draft. 

May you get lost in a book,


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