Spookathon 2018 Summary

Greeting Wanderers!

I posted my TBR for Spookathon here. Not only did I read all those books, I read an additional book! I admit, I’m patting myself on my back. Here is a list of the books I read and what I thought along with what challenges went with them.  Also, I will be posting up reviews for all the books I’ve read for Spookathon. They will be put into my regularly scheduled Monday reviews and since I’m ahead on reviews, I may just ad another day of posting. 

Some Danger Involved by Will Thomas: This book completed the challenges of a thriller, set in another time, and having a spooky word in the title. Some Danger Involved was an “It’s okay” type of book for me. I haven’t read a lot of Victorian Detective novels and this wasn’t a bad introduction to it but I’ll have to look them up more. 

Chasing the Moon by A. Lee Martinez: I am a fan of A. Lee Martinez. This book did not disappoint. I liked the plot and characters. It was funny.  I definitely recommend this for people who like humorous narratives.

Schmuck the Buck by EXO books: I don’t read a lot of picture books nowadays but Schmuck the Buck was funny and clever. Not sure if this would necessarily be something you would read to your kids? Maybe you could? I don’t know. It was entertaining, though.

And the book I read in this week as a bonus:

Every Heart An Open Door by Seanan McGuire: This book got me right in the feels. Seanan McGuire is a great storyteller and I can’t wait to read the rest of these books.

This Spookathon was my first readathon and it was awesome. I will be doing more readathons in the future.

May you get lost in a book,


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